If you are pondering over the idea about learning yoga in Kerala, then this is for you. It is one of the best destinations where you can imbibe knowledge. Kerala is a place like no other in India, as it has a little bit of all kinds of topography. You can explore the backwaters, hills, beaches, plantations, and much more there. Add to it, the rich wildlife that calls Kerala home, and you will never experience a dull moment. However, the first time can be a bit doubtful. So, it is important that you get your expectations sorted. Before joining the best yoga teacher training in Kerala, you need to ascertain why you should go there.
We will take you one by one through the different facets of Kerala. After going through this whole blog, you will be in a better position to decide if this is for you.
Culture And Tradition Of Kerala
The culture and traditions of Kerala goes back at least 5,000 years. It is a combination of Indian and Dravidian culture, to be exact. There is no dearth of cultural performing arts in Kerala, from Mohiniyattam to Kathakali. You can see the cultural influences in their dance forms, songs, musical instruments, and also their martial arts. Every festival in this state is celebrated with a lot of revelry as well. You will also encounter a science that leads life, and it is called Ayurveda. Most residents speak Malayalam and English. If you want to experience rich and traditional cultural life, then your choice will be bang on.
Yoga also occupies an important place in Kerala. You will find every home leading a yogic way of life. There are many yoga schools and retreats in Kerala, which you may not find elsewhere. You will come across learned Gurus as well, propagating the knowledge of Yoga. Moreover, you will come across authentic yoga forms in Kerala. The knowledge of this prestigious science has been passed on from one generation to another. So, it is the best place to start your yogic journey, with the 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Kerala.
So, learn about the types of yoga forms that are practiced in Kerala. This will give you a fair idea of what you may be getting into.
Types Of Yoga Forms Practiced In Kerala
- Hatha Yoga – The first and foremost yoga form which anyone encounters in their journey in yoga, is Hatha Yoga. It is a slow-paced yogic form, which gives stability and balance to the practitioner. Hatha Yoga is the union of the two celestial bodies, the sun and the moon. So, it signifies the union of two extremes. If you practice Hatha Yoga on a daily basis, you will be able to build strength equivalent to the strength that one builds at the gym. It is often used as the umbrella term for many other yoga forms.
- Ashtanga Yoga – This is the second-most popular yoga form, at least in Kerala. It is the brainchild of Sri Krishnamacharya. He had passed on the knowledge to Pattabi Jois. It is believed to have a huge impact on disease prevention and management. This form comprises several series, like the Primary series, and Intermediate series. You will be practicing the series in order, with a fixed sequence of postures. The teacher guides you through the process. The gaze and the breath are of utmost importance in Ashtanga Yoga. You are also supposed to observe bandhas as a part of the course.
- Vinyasa Yoga – This is the next form which you will encounter in Kerala. You can call it a more relaxed and modernized version of the former. The yoga form is flowy, wherein you fluidly flow from one posture to another. You can change the sequence in this form. It gives the same benefits as gym aerobics. However, the breath also assumes a lot of importance in this form.
- Iyengar Yoga – This is a special form of yoga that focuses on alignments. And you will be encouraged by your Gurus to use props.
- Kundalini Yoga – This is a more spiritual form of yoga, wherein you awaken the coiled serpent or female energy that is located at the base of the spine. Once it is awakened, it travels at top-notch speed through the chakras, clearing them in the process. You will experience myriad emotions, while practicing this yoga form. And a proper teacher is important for you, to handhold.
These are the main forms of yoga taught at Kerala yoga schools. However, this list is not exhaustive. Various teachers have also developed their own style and market them in their name. So, it is totally up to you to decide which path to follow.
The best yoga teacher training in Kerala happens at schools which are registered under Yoga Alliance. Although it is purely voluntary, it carries a lot of impact.
Best Yoga TTC In Kerala
You will be able to join the 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Kerala, minus any attachment. It is because it is a two week program which gives you a sneak peek into the yoga form. If you do not like it, you can just complete the course of two weeks, like a retreat course and leave. And, if it sinks in, you can go for a 200 hours course. So, it is like a demo of what lies in the full-fledged course. Choose the program, which will offer you immense knowledge. Learning about various asanas, meditation, and breath control techniques are the primary activities there. Additionally, you will also learn introductory anatomy and physiology. Once you start understanding the human body, you do better in yoga. Apart from that, yogic philosophy will also give you some knowledge about the background of yoga.
You can join the course at your convenience, but transformation is a reality, if you do. The best schools in Kerala will support you throughout. Whether or not you want to pursue teaching is your decision. However, you will definitely change as a person.