• Welcome to Lalitha Yoga Academy

    Yoga Teacher Training In Varkala Beach, Kerala, India

  • 100-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

    Elevate your yoga practice at Varkala Beach, Kerala, with our 100-hour program tailored for intermediate practitioners.

  • 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

    Enroll in our 200-hour yoga teacher certification program at Varkala Beach, Kerala.

Welcome to Lalitha Yoga Academy

Yoga Teacher Training In Varkala Beach, Kerala, India

Discover Lalitha Yoga Academy, an idyllic sanctuary nestled amidst the serene vistas of Varkala Beach in Kerala, India. With over a decade of global expertise, our academy stands as a beacon of comprehensive yoga instruction led by seasoned mentors. Tailored for beginners to seasoned practitioners, our meticulously designed curriculum caters to all levels, focusing on mastering diverse yoga asanas while nurturing inner strength and balance.

Embracing a philosophy of personalized attention within a nurturing environment, Lalitha Yoga Academy is committed to fostering individual growth and self-discovery. Our mission extends beyond yoga poses; we empower individuals with holistic well-being tools for a balanced life.

Join us in the tranquil setting of Varkala Beach in Kerala, India, where the transformative potential of yoga awaits. Engage in an enriching journey that deepens your connection with mind, body, and spirit, unlocking the profound essence of yoga’s transformative power. Experience the harmonious union of self-discovery and holistic wellness at Lalitha Yoga Academy.


LYA Exclusive Programs

Yoga Teacher Training In Varkala Beach, Kerala, India

200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Enroll in our 200-hour yoga teacher certification program at Varkala Beach, Kerala. This program is perfect for beginners, offering a strong foundation in Yoga Asana practice amid serene coastal surroundings.

100-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Elevate your yoga practice at Varkala Beach, Kerala, with our 100-hour program tailored for intermediate practitioners. Refine techniques amidst stunning scenery for a transformative experience.

14-Day Yoga Panchakarma in Varkala, India

Recharge your energy and rejuvenate your spirit with Lalitha Yoga Academy’s 14-day Panchakarma and Yoga Retreat. Enjoy a blend of yoga, meditation, pranayama, nourishing Ayurvedic food, and therapeutic massages.

7-Day Yoga Retreat in Varkala, India

Experience Varkala’s coastal beauty at Lalith Yoga Academy during our immersive Yoga Retreat. Surrounded by natural splendor, our retreat promises a rejuvenating transformation for your mind, body, and soul.

Single Use Price Per Person

Standard Balcony Room

€ 1.290

Superior Terrace Room

€ 1.400

Luxury AC Room

€ 1.690

Couple or Friends Sharing (price per person)

Superior Terrace Room

€ 1.240

Luxury AC Room

€ 1.490

Important details

Advance payment for seat confirmation: 300 EUR

Cancellation: Non-refundable but you can postpone your TTC to another date.

Fees include 21 overnight stays in a room, all meals, yoga classes, an excursion and a Study Kit.

This is Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga TTC.

Lalitha Yoga Academy in Varkala Beach, Kerala, India

At Lalitha Yoga Academy, we acknowledge the significance of balancing the three human energies to prevent physical and mental ailments. Our teachings focus on aligning these energies, fostering wisdom and intelligence emergence. Addressing diverse imbalances, from depressive feelings to an overactive mind, is integral to our approach.

Rooted in tradition, Lalitha Yoga imparts authentic Indian yogic teachings. Our Yoga Teacher Training Course empowers individuals to restore balance through traditional methodologies. Students grasp the functionality of yoga postures, utilizing them to enhance mental health by shifting energy levels and transforming habits.

Experience the profound impact of ancient yogic wisdom at Lalitha Yoga Academy. Join us on a transformative journey toward holistic well-being, where timeless yoga principles unlock inner balance and vitality.

Our Techniques

Yoga, rooted in ancient Indian philosophy for over 5,000 years, intertwines diverse styles that merge physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation or relaxation.

Throughout the course, students will acquire in-depth knowledge of yoga postures, enhancing both physical and inner strength while naturally improving flexibility. Certain asanas are linked to specific mind patterns, clarifying the body-mind connection progressively throughout the training. Guidance and space for alignment will be provided during asanas. The course primarily centers on Hatha yoga, with additional Ashtanga yoga classes, covering over 50 traditional and dynamic Hatha yoga asanas and a minimum of 20 Ashtanga poses within the 200-hour duration.

Pranayama, an ancient yogic breathing technique, serves as a preparatory step for meditation and holds pivotal importance in yoga practice. It enhances the respiratory system’s function while purifying both body and mind. The topics covered in Pranayama include its introduction, various aspects, types of prana, breathing techniques such as Yogic breathing, Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing), Ujjayi (the psychic or victorious breath), Sheetali (cooling breath), Shitkari (hissing breath), Kapalabhati (frontal brain cleansing breath), Bhramari (humming bee breath), Bhastrika (bellows breath), Suryabheda (vitality stimulating breath), and advanced variations.

Learning yogic cleansing exercises is crucial for integrating breath and meditation effectively into the physical aspects of yoga practice. These exercises aid in clearing blockages within the body’s energy channels. The curriculum encompasses:

  1. Jala Neti
  2. Sutra Neti
  3. Vamana Dhauti
  4. Kapalabhati
  5. Uddiyana Bhanda
  6. Trataka

Mudras, an ancient aspect of yoga, involve hand gestures that influence the body’s energy flow, impacting one’s spiritual and mental traits.

  1. Jnana mudra
  2. Chin mudra
  3. Yoni mudra
  4. Bhairava mudra
  5. Shambhavi mudra

Meditation, a systematic practice, fosters physical, mental, and emotional tranquility while boosting vital energy, improving blood circulation, and calming the nervous system.

  1. Breathing awareness meditation
  2. AUM (Om) or mantra meditation
  3. Concentration development tips
  4. Practice of silence
  5. Sufi meditation
  6. Trataka

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